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Movement & Scripture Meditation Classes
A Free 2023 Fall Series at Hope Chapel!
Join us twice a week for a guided, one hour movement & meditation class centered on Jesus and designed for the well-being of your body and soul. It will be a time of scripture meditation, prayer, breath work, worship music, and physical movement, taught by a certified Christ-centered yoga instructor.
Our anchor scripture is 1 Peter 5:7 TPT "Pour out all your worries and stress upon him and leave them there, for he always tenderly cares for you."
This slower-paced flow class allows you the time to deepen your asanas (poses), while maintaining a gentle, steady flow of movement. Class begins with a short time of centering meditation and focused breathing to set the foundation, then as we move through asanas, we will take time to focus on proper alignment. This class will include a physical element but there will be modifications provided so it is accessible to all bodies (ADA accessible, injuries welcome!).